hello to anyone that may come across this site! i'm chi (not my actual name, just a silly alias derived from the "cheese" part of this website's name.) i like cats and i like cheese, so cheesecat.neocities.org was born!

i've always had some interest in coding, but my dad pushed me to get into it properly, and he's also been helping me with study habits, so i got the idea to make a cute place to make studying more fun for myself. i'm currently teaching myself python (with the help of a crash course book) and korean!

here's a little trivia since i'm not sure what else to put here: i'm asian-american, i really like music, i have a cat, and right now, my favorite song is yours by... uhhh... (checking smudged writing on hand) raiden, chanyeol, leehi, and changmo. that's a lot of people?!

have a nice day!!